
Legend has it that Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas, fathered five twins with a mortal Atlantean woman named Clito.

God gave each of his 10 sons a different part of the island to rule over. Gadeir was the second oldest. And although a city in Spain was named after him, it was his older brother Atlas who got the honor of naming the city after himself. As the firstborn, Atlas acquired an entire island, and even the surrounding ocean was named after him. His children were also to rule Atlantis forever.

Body painting Artists: Weronique Art – Piera Di Maio

Model: Letizia Borrella

Colors: ProAiir Italia

Event: II international art event life underwater

Organization: Villa Lora house of Art

PHoto: Matt Osborn – Tobias Spranger – Arno Godeke – Alexandra Makulova
